Why do the Moon Phases coincide with 7th day Sabbaths of Lunar Calendar
(Caution: This post is an attempt at using humor to point out an aspect of the lunar sabbath calendar that can't be disputed. No seriousness is intended in making the point; there is no intention to place lunar sabbathkeepers in a negative light.)
Let's assume for a moment that those Lunar Sabbath people are crazy. Certifiable. Let's just say they have completely lost their wits, and don't have a gnat's chance of making it out on the last bus to the kingdom. Bear with me here.
Now, according to these "lunartics," they say they have found evidence in scripture of a calendar. It's an old calendar. Very old. At least as old as Moses. And they say this calendar, is of all things, governed by the moon. Now, doesn't that beat all? That's an absolutely preposterous idea. Ask any Adventist and that's what they will tell you. "Oh, that's nothing but error," they say. So the Adventists go back to their corner, and the lunar sabbath people go back to theirs. End of story. Or is it?
According to those fanatics, they say there is a formula in the Bible for determining the calendar, month by month. Here's comes that "moon" thing again. They say when they see the sliver of the new moon in the western sky, after the moon has been completely dark for a day or so, just after sunset, it begins New Moon day, and is the 1st day of the month. They go on to say that the day after new moon day is the 1st day of the 1st week of that month. On that 1st day of the week, they count the days for 7 days and come to, voila, the "7th day Sabbath." It is the 8th day of the month. Then they do it again, repeating this cycle 4 times each month.
When they, these insane lunar sabbath people do this, they say their 7th day sabbaths are on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month. Each and every month of the year.
Now this is where it really gets crazy. These folks have gone way off the deep end here. They say that the 1/4 phases of the moon occur on or near these same 7th day sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month.
Then these far out folks even say they have evidence from their prophet that supports this pattern. And they present us with the following:
"The first of these festivals, the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread, occurred in Abib, the first month of the Jewish year, corresponding to the last of March and the beginning of April. The cold of winter was past, the latter rain had ended, and all nature rejoiced in the freshness and beauty of the springtime. The grass was green on the hills and valleys, and wild flowers everywhere brightened the fields. THE MOON, NOW APPROACHING FULL, (on or near the 15th day) made the evenings delightful." pp538
"The Redeemer, in company with his disciples, slowly made his way to the garden of Gethsemane. The PASSOVER MOON, BROAD AND FULL (on or near the 15th day), shone from a cloudless sky." 3SP95
"On the FOURTEENTH day of the month, at even, the Passover was celebrated, its solemn, impressive ceremonies commemorating the deliverance from bondage in Egypt, and pointing forward to the sacrifice that should deliver from the bondage of sin." PP 540
"These types were fulfilled, not only as to the event, but as to the time. On the FOURTEENTH day of the first Jewish month, the very day and month on which, for fifteen long centuries, the passover lamb had been slain, Christ, having eaten the passover with his disciples, instituted that feast which was to commemorate his own death as "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." GC400
"That was a never-to-be-forgotten SABBATH (15th) to the sorrowing disciples, and also to the priests, rulers, scribes, and people. At the SETTING OF THE SUN ON THE EVENING OF THE PREPARATION DAY (6th day of week, 14th day of the month) the trumpets sounded, signifying that the SABBATH (15th) had begun. The PASSOVER was observed as it had been for centuries, while He to whom it pointed had been slain by wicked hands, and lay in Joseph's tomb." DA774
Imagine that? What a crazy story. What nerve they have telling us that the 1/4 phases of the moon coincide with the 7th day Sabbaths in that calendar they say they found in the Bible.
How do those crazy lunar sabbath people make those moon phases come out that way anyway?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Millerite Use of the Luni-Solar Calendar
What Calendar did the Millerites use to determine Oct 22 1844
I have been shown that many who profess to have a knowledge of present truth know not what they believe. They do not understand the evidences of their faith. They have no just appreciation of the work for the present time. When the time of trial shall come, there are men now preaching to others who will find, upon examining the positions they hold, that there are many things for which they can give no satisfactory reason. Until thus tested they know not their great ignorance. And there are many in the church who take it for granted that they understand what they believe; but, until controversy arises, they do not know their own weakness. When separated from those of like faith and compelled to stand singly and alone to explain their belief, they will be surprised to see how confused are their ideas of what they had accepted as truth . . . . Maranatha 45
Seventh-day Adventists grow up hearing about "October 22, 1844!" They are shown from scripture and historical documentation that the 2300 day prophecy, beginning in 457 B.C., ended in 1844 on the Day of Atonement. What most people do not know, however, is how the Millerites arrived at that specific date. Why October 22? Why not July 10?
Leviticus 23 states that the Day of Atonement shall be observed on the tenth day of the seventh month, so where does October 22 come in? It is probably news to most Adventists that the Millerites did not use the Gregorian calendar to establish the Day of Atonement for 1844. But they did not.
As far back as April, and then in June and December of 1843, and in February of 1844 . . . [William Miller's associates] came to a definite conclusion. This was that the solution of Daniel's prophecy is dependent upon the ancient or original Jewish form of luni-solar time, and not upon the altered modern rabbinical Jewish calendar. 1
The Jews, in 1844, kept Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) on September 23. The Millerites were well aware of this and references to it show up in their publications. However, when challenged or mocked for insisting on a date which even the Jews themselves did not keep, the Millerites commonly replied, "Every scholar knows that we are correct by the original calendar."
The Millerites were deep students of the scriptures. The Seventh-day Adventist church owes much to their diligent, deep study of the Bible. They discovered that within Judaism, there were two distinct ways of computing the calendar. The rabbinical, which starts its new year, Nisan 1, on the new moon closest to the vernal equinox, and the Karaite which, following Mosaic calendation principles, placed its Nisan 1 on the first new moon after the vernal equinox if the barley harvest was ready. If not, they would intercalate an extra month.
The Millerites rejected the rabbinical first day of Nisan on March 21 in 1844, and chose the April new moon for the beginning of the true type of the ancient first month. April 19 was the day.2 They argued that the modern Jewish calendar is based upon decisions that were unknown in the time of Christ.3
The Karaites were a sect of Jews who "gave up the system of rabbinical calendation, and made the intercalation of a leap month dependent upon the ripened barley, according to Moses." 4 They have been called the "Protestants of Judaism." 5 "Karaism clashed seriously with the parent faith, shook off the yoke of traditionalism, proclaimed the right of private judgment, and maintained that the original Scripture is a full and sufficient guide."6
Knowing that the Millerites used the Karaite calendar is important, but there is another point regarding the Millerite computation of the Oct. 22 date that is vital to know. The Millerites arrived at Oct. 22 as being the Day of Atonement by calculation.
Had the leaders waited until October to visually observe the first appearance of the moon by which to date Tisri 1, there could have been no seventh month movement, for there would have been insufficient time. They had to make their calculation in advance from standard moon tables which were abundantly available.7
The date of October 22 being the ending date of the 2300 year prophecy was first announced by Samuel Snow on July 21, 1844. He gave a discourse at the large Boston Tabernacle on the text "Behold the Bridegroom cometh (on the tenth day of the seventh month), go ye out to meet Him!" However, it was not until the camp meeting held at Exeter, New Hampshire (August 12-17) that the message really took hold. At this camp meeting, Snow gave three sermons.
The first was on the 1844 ending of the great prophetic time periods; the second on the Mosaic sanctuary service types, and their antitypical fulfillment in the Christian dispensation; and the third on the date of Christ's crucifixion in the 'midst' of the seventieth prophetic week, which therefore brought an end of the 70 weeks in the seventh month of A.D. 34. And in consequence, the close of the 2300 years would similarly extend to the seventh month of 1844, which equated largely with the month of October.8
From this revival comes the name "seventh month movement". Again, they arrived at the date of October 22 by calculation, for had they waited until they could observe the first crescent moon, there would have been no time for them to give the Midnight Cry. The Millerites already knew that the first day of the first Jewish month (Nisan 1) fell on April 19 in 1844. The way they reasoned it was thus: "Since the crucifixion occurred 'in the midst of the week' in the spring of the year, and hence in the middle of a literal Jewish year and also of a prophetic year, therefore the end of the prophetic year must come in the autumn. In other words, the prophetic years of Daniel end in the fall and not in the spring."9
Calendation was not altogether the key to the new chronology which suddenly confronted the people in the summer of 1844, and which gave life to the midnight cry. The mainspring lay concealed in Daniel 9 and Matthew 25. Samuel Snow was one of several to discover that six lunar months had yet to be added to the spring date -- itself a month later than first computed -- in order to complete the prophecy. Snow got this largely from Daniel 9. His argument was simple, but impelling -- that if Christ was crucified in the midst of the 'week,' in the spring, then the end of the week, and therefore the end, not only of the 487th year, but also of the 2300th year, would come six lunar months later in the autumn.10
[October 22] was computed by adding six lunar months or 177 days, to April 19, and thereby obtaining as the first day of the seventh month, October 13, from which nine days more extended to the tenth day on October 22. The Millerites have left an official statement that they thus "reckoned" from the "appearance of the moon on the 18th of April" and thereby found that "the seventh Jewish month commenced with the appearance of the moon on the 13th of October, so that the tenth day of the seventh month synchronized with the 22d of that month."11
This is an extremely important point to know because, although there were new moons observed in all of the months leading up to the seventh month, there was no new moon to be observed the night of October 12/13. Why? Technically, it has to do with how soon the new moon can be seen after conjunction – the point in time when the moon, earth and sun are all in alignment and the moon cannot be seen.12 At the U. S. Naval Observatory website, the conjunction is referred to as the "new moon." However, in Bible times the months did not start until the first crescent could be observed.13 Typically, it takes two days for the crescent of the new moon to appear.In simple terms, no new moon was observed the night of Oct. 12/13, 1844, because the moon's meridian (or the highest point of its arch before it set) was below the horizon in most of New England, the land of the Midnight Cry. Furthermore, the moon set only ten minutes after the sun did on Oct. 12, thereby making the sky too light to observe it anyway. The Millerites knew that under Mosaic calendation, a new moon was declared after 30 days regardless of whether or not it was observed.14 Therefore, they were all in agreement that October 13 was the first day of the seventh month (Tisri 1) and that the tenth day was the 22nd of October. Sylvester Bliss, in the Millerites' official report in January, 1845 affirms: "Reckoning from this [Nisan] moon, the seventh Jewish month commenced with the appearance of the moon on the 13th of October."15 Thus, the tenth day of the seventh month was October 22.
Was October 22 the correct date for Day of Atonement in 1844? Absolutely.
Under the Mosaic system the cleansing of the sanctuary, or the great Day of Atonement, occurred on the tenth day of the seventh Jewish month (Leviticus 16:29-34), when the high priest, having made an atonement for all Israel, and thus removed their sins from the sanctuary, came forth and blessed the people. So it was believed that Christ, our great High Priest, would appear to purify the earth by the destruction of sin and sinners, and to bless His waiting people with immortality. The tenth day of the seventh month, the great Day of Atonement . . . which in the year 1844 fell upon the twenty-second of October,16 was regarded as the time of the Lord's coming.17
The Millerites showed great courage in following the Lamb to arrive at October 22.
Their [sic] remarkable stand of the Millerites, in 1843 and 1844, in rejecting the current Rabbinical calendation, and reviving the original Jewish year of the crucifixion period . . . that they might correctly determine the close of the 2300-year period, took clear, scholarly thinking, intensive research, extraordinary moral courage, and really heroic, decisive action. They risked all upon this crucial position.18
Not only was Catholicism directly opposed to their prophetic interpretations, but almost all of Protestantism had rejected it as well. Furthermore, and "most serious of all, Jewry had many centuries before abandoned the calendation given to Moses, which had been operative in principle and in essentially identical form in both the 5th century B. C. and the 1st century A. D."19 These centuries are important because the former embraces the beginning date of the 2300-year time prophecy, while the latter includes the verifying date of the Passover/crucifixion which occurred in the midst of the 70th prophetic week of the longer time prophecy.
Painstakingly studying the Karaite protest in the Middle Ages against the Rabbinical perversion of the calendar, they at last deliberately and irrevocably accepted, restored, and applied to their time-prophecy problem, the earlier calendation championed by the Karaites. And this they did in defiance of the whole body of Rabbinical scholarship and the general current practice of Jewry.20
There were many in 1844 who made merry over a lunar reckoning that was not based upon the modern Jewish calendar. The answer was returned: "Every scholar knows that we are correct as to the Karaite seventh month." The Millerites were well aware of the rabbinical seventh month in September in 1844, and the circumstance was often mentioned in their papers. At the same time they were emphatic in their challenge that they dissented from the modern Jewish calendar because it did not agree with the laws of Moses.21
To be consistent with Adventism's spiritual forefathers, Seventh-day Adventists of today need to compute when the true Sabbath occurs by using the same calendar utilized for determining the Day of Atonement in 1844.
Those who cling to old customs and hoary errors have lost sight of the fact that light is ever increasing upon the path of all who follow Christ; truth is constantly unfolding to the people of God. We must be continually advancing if we are following our Leader. It is when we walk in the light that shines upon us, obeying the truth that is open to our understanding, that we receive greater light. We cannot be excusable in accepting only the light which our fathers had one hundred years ago. If our God-fearing fathers had seen what we see, and heard what we hear, they would have accepted the light, and walked in it. If we desire to imitate their faithfulness, we must receive the truths open to us, as they received those presented to them; we must do as they would have done, had they lived in our day.22
To follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth, Yahuwah God's people must be as brave as their forefathers, advancing further in the path first traveled by those who have long since gone to their rest.This chart from the United States Naval Observatory website shows all of the lunations for 1844. The conjunction of each lunation is listed under the column "New Moon". Because it typically takes two days before the first appearance of the new crescent, add two days to each conjunction date to arrive at the date of the visible new moon.
In March, the conjunction, and thus the visible new moon, arrived too early for the barley harvest to be ripe so the Millerites intercalated another month as per Mosaic law. This chart is in accordance with their repeated statements that the visible new moon in April was the 19th – two days after the conjunction on the 17th.
The seventh lunation's conjunction was on October 11, which placed the first of the month, Tisri 1, on October 13. Ten days later is the Day of Atonement, the tenth day of the seventh month, on October 22.
U.S. Naval Observatory
Astronomical Applications Department
1 L. E. Froom, Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1982, Vol. 4, 796, emphasis supplied.
2 Joseph Bates, Second Advent Waymarks and High Heaps, New Beford, 1847.
3 Grace Amadon, "Millerite Computation of the October 22 Date", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
4 Froom, Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1948, Vol. 2, 197.
5 Albiruni, The Chronology of Ancient Nations, as quoted in ibid., 196.
6 Ibid., 197.
7 Amadon, "How the Millerites Chose October 22", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection, emphasis original.
8 Froom, Prophetic Faith, Vol. 4, 803.
9 Bates, Second Advent Waymarks and High Heaps, 17, quoted in "Millerite Computation of October 22 Date", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
10 Amadon, "Brief Review of the New Views Regarding Millerite Chronology", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
11 The Advent Shield, Boston, 1844-5, Vol. 1, 278, as quoted in ibid.
12 The conjunction is also called the "black moon."
13 "That the first day of a lunar month begins with the 'first appearance,' or phasis, of the moon - is a precise calendar principle" ("The 1844 Problem - As Checked By Astronomy", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection).
14 Among those who keep the Sabbath based on the luni-solar calendar, there is some confusion over whether to start the month off of the conjunction of the moon or its first visible crescent. October 22, 1844, provides the answer. If the months were to start at the conjunction, then the tenth day of the seventh month would have fallen on October 21, not 22. The U. S. Naval Observatory confirms that the conjunction of the moon occurred at 11:25 p.m. on October 11, 1844. The Millerites, however, knew that the Jews calculated it off of the first visible crescent and so they did the same.
15 The Advent Shield, January, 1845, 278, as quoted in "Brief Review of the New Views Regarding Millerite Chronology", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
16 See United States Naval Observatory chart at end of chapter.
17 Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, 400, emphasis supplied.
18 Amadon, "Courageous Action Of Millerites On 'Jewish Calendar' Problem", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
1 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Amadon, "Millerite Computation of the October 22 Date", Box 2, Folder 4, Grace Amadon Collection.
22 Ellen G. White, Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, 197.
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Historical Evidence Proves Calendar and Sabbath Change
Historical References of Calendar and Sabbath Changes
Encyclopedia Biblica 1899
"The Hebrew Sabbathon was celebrated at intervals of seven days, corresponding with changes in the moon's phases..." Encyclopedia Biblica, 1899 edit., p.4180
In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. “This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom -- without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the lunar month) -- ...so that the new moon no longer coincided with the first day of the week." Encyclopedia Biblica (The MacMillan Company, 1899. P. 5290).
“The introduction...of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon's phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath...” Encyclopedia Biblica 1899 p4179
"The four quarters of the Moon supply an obvious division of the month... it is most significant that in the older parts of the Hebrew scriptures the new moon and the sabbath are almost invariably mentioned together. The [lunar] month is beyond question an old sacred division of time common to all the semites; even the Arabs who received the week at quite a late period from the Syrians, greeted the New Moon with religious acclamations. We cannot tell [exactly] when the Sabbath became dissociated from the month." Encyclopedia Biblica (1899 edit) pp 4178 and 4179
"The Hebrew Month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period-one phase of the moon-appears to have determined the week of seven days." Encyclopedia Biblica, (1899 edit.) p.4780
Encyclopedia Britannica
The calendar was originally fixed by observation, and ultimately by calculation. Up to the fall of the Temple (AD 70), witnesses who saw the new moon came forward and were strictly examined and if their evidence was accepted the month was fixed by the priests. Eventually the authority passed to the Sanhedrin and ultimately to the patriarch. Gradually observation gave place to calculation. The right to determine the calendar was reserved to the Patriarchate. The Jews of Mesopotamia [in Babylon] tried in vain to establish their own calendar but the prerogative of Palestine was zealously defended."
So long as Palestine remained a religious centre, it was naturally to the homeland that the Diaspora looked for its calendar. Uniformity was essential, for if different parts had celebrated feasts on different days, confusion would have ensued. It was not until the 4th century A.D. that Babylon fixed the calendar." Encyclopedia Britannica; Vol 4, article "Calendar"
In the 21st century, we take for granted a seven-day week. However, in some ancient cultures, the length of the week differed. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Among primitive peoples, it was common to count moons (months) rather than days, but later a period shorter than the month was thought more convenient, and an interval between market days was adopted. In West Africa some tribes used a four-day interval; in central Asia five days was customary; the Assyrians adopted five days and the Egyptians, 10 days, whereas the Babylonians attached significance to the days of the lunation that were multiples of seven. In ancient Rome, markets were held at eight-day intervals; because of the Roman method of inclusive numeration, the market day was denoted nundinae (“ninth-day”) and the eight-day week, an inter nundium.” Measurement of time and types of calendars: Standard units and cycles”; Britannica 2002 Deluxe Edition; 1994-2002; Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Philo of Alexandria
"[The moon] receives the perfect shapes in periods of seven days-the half-moon in the first seven days period after it's conjunction with the sun, full moon in the second..." The Works of Philo, The Special Laws, I, XXXV (177), page 550
The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia
"Among all early nations the lunar months were the readiest large divisions of time... (and was divided in 4 weeks), corresponding (to) the phases or the quarters of the moon. In order to connect the reckoning by weeks with the lunar month, we find that all ancient nations observed some peculiar solemnities to mark the day of the New Moon." The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia 1904 edit) Vol. 3, p. 1497
Rest Days; Hutton Webster
"The (early) Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks, which ended with special observances on the seventh day but none the less were tied to the moon's course."
Hutton Webster in his book Rest Days, page 254-255
"These imported [from Babylon] superstitions eventually led Jewish rabbis to call Saturn Shabbti, 'the star of the Sabbath.' [and] it was not until the first century of our era, when the planetary week had become an established institution, that the Jewish Sabbath seems always to have corresponded to Saturn's Day [Saturday]." Rest Days, p244 Hutton Webster
An old and still common theory derives the Sabbath institution from the worship of Saturn after which planet the first day of the astrological week received its designation. The theory is untenable for more than one reason. In the first place the Hebrews did not name their weekdays after the planets, but indicated them by ordinal numbers. In the second place Saturn's day began the planetary week, while the Jewish [Hebrew] Sabbath was regarded as the last day of the seven, a suitable position for a rest day. And in the third place neither the Hebrews nor any other Oriental people ever worshipped the planet Saturn as god and observed his day as a festival. Rest Days p243, Hutton Webster
Those who argue that the present Saturday of the Roman planetary week was always the 7th day of the week are either ignorant of the real facts or otherwise are plain and blunt liars. All authoritative sources plainly show that originally in Rome the week consisted of EIGHT days. And as long as this was the case the week did not begin with SUNDAY but rather with SATURDAY. Yes, in ancient Rome SATURDAY was the FIRST and not the SEVENTH day of their consecutive week. Hutton Webster in his book Rest Days: A Study in Early Law and Morality, on p. 264 clearly points out that originally in Rome, SATURDAY - the DAY of SATURN - began the Roman astrological week: “…the worship of SATURN after which planet the first day of the astrological week [Saturday] received its designation…SATURN'S DAY [SATURDAY] BEGAN THE PLANETARY WEEK, while the Jewish Sabbath was regarded as the LAST DAY.”
It is therefore not true that Saturday was ALWAYS the 7th day of the week. At the time the Romans changed their weekly cycle and made Sunday to be their 1st day of the week and Saturday therefore the 7th, the Jews themselves ceased to observe the Sabbath according to the LUNAR PHASES - as they have done for hundreds of years - adopting the Roman planetary week and Saturday their new 7th day of the week. The Jews did not only abandon and discard the older practice of observing the Sabbath which was closely tied to the phases of the moon but they have eventually even come to call this new Saturday of the Roman planetary week by the name SHABBATH and the planet Saturn by the name SHABBTI, which means “the star of the Sabbath.” Explains Hutton Webster:
“These imported superstitions eventually led Jewish rabbis to call Saturn SHABBTI, "the STAR OF THE SABBATH," [and]...it was not until [after]the first century of our era, when the planetary week had become an established institution, THAT THE JEWISH SABBATH SEEMS ALWAYS TO HAVE CORRESPONDED TO SATURN'S DAY… Dio Cassius [Roman historian born 155 A.D., died after 230 A.D.] also speaks of the Jews having DEDICATED TO THEIR GOD THE DAY CALLED THE DAY OF SATURN “ [Rest Days, p. 244-245].
Roman Calendar Encyclopedia; Days of the week
1st Century (A.D. 70)
How great are the things the enemy did wickedly in the Holy place. They hated your glory in the midst of your solemnities. They placed their signs and banners on the highest places. . . . They burned with fire your sanctuary; they befouled the tabernacle of your name in earth. The kindred of them said together in their hearts; make we all the “feast days” of God to cease from the earth. Psalms 74:3, 7, 8 Wycliffe Bible 1378
2nd Century (Emperor Hadrian)
This change from the luni-solar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs . . . during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters...at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh day. Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D.
4th Century (Emperor Constantine in 321)
The modern seven-day week came into use during the early imperial period, after the Julian calendar came into effect, apparently stimulated by immigration from the Roman East. For a while it coexisted alongside the old 8-day nundinal cycle, and fasti are known which show both cycles. It was finally given official status by Constantine in 321. Roman Calendar Encyclopedia, Days of the Week
Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia
The association of sabbath rest with the account of creation must have been very ancient among the Hebrews, and it is noteworthy that no other Semitic peoples, even the Babylonians, have any tradition of the creation in six days. It would appear that the primitive Semites had FOUR CHIEF MOON DAYS, probably the first, eighth, fifteenth, and twenty-second of each month, CALLED SABBATHS from the fact that there was a tendency to end work before them so that they might be celebrated joyfully. Among the Babylonians these seventh days through astrological conceptions became ill-omened, while the sabbath in the middle of the month [15th] was made a day of propitiation, and its name was construed as meaning "the day for ending the wrath of the gods." The Israelites, on the other hand, made the sabbath the feasts of a living and holy God. The work of man became symbolic of the work of God, and human rest of divine rest, so that the sabbaths became preeminently days of rest. Since, moreover, the LUNAR MONTH had 29 or 30 days, the normal lapse of time between sabbaths was six days, although sometimes seven or eight; and six working days were accordingly assigned to the creation, which was to furnish a prototype for human life. the connection of the sabbath with lunar phases, however, was [later] discarded by the israelites..." (The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia pp. 135-136).
Scribner's Dictionary of the Bible
"In the time of the earliest prophets, the New Moon stood in the same line with another lunar observance, the Sabbath. Ezekiel, who curiously enough frequently dates his prophecies on the New Moon.... describes the gate of the inner court of the (new) temple looking eastward as kept shut for the six working days, but opened on the Sabbath and the New Moon." Scribner's Dictionary of the Bible (1898 edit) p.521
Shawui Calendar; Ancient Sabbath Observance
"The [lunar] calendar was used by all the original disciples of Yeshua. This original Nazarene lunar-solar calendar was supplanted by a Roman "planetary week" and calendar in 135 C.E. when the 'Bishops of the Circumcision' (i.e. legitimate Nazarene successors to Yeshua) were displaced from Jerusalem. This began a three hundred year controversy concerning the true calendar and the correct Sabbath." Shawui Calendar: Ancient Shawui Observance
Early historical records clearly confirms that very early Gentile Christians also kept the same Sabbath as the Nazarenes. This practice was first changed by [Pope] Sixtus in 126 AD, and later officially changed by a royal Roman decree from the emperor Constantine. Observance of the Sabbath day was made illegal and observance of a "sunday" of a fixed week was made mandatory for all except farmers. Previous to this time the Roman saturday was the first day of the Roman week. The veneration of the Sun in the second century AD began to pressure Roman culture to change the first day of their week from Saturn Day to sunday. Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance
“Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish society, at the time of Jesus...was practicing a fixed seven-day week which was the same as the modern fixed seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and customs, including that of THE CONSECUTIVE WEEK, WERE HELD AT BAY” Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance
The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar; Arthur Spier
Since Biblical times the months and years of the Jewish calendar have been established by the cycles of the moon and the sun. The traditional law prescribes that the months shall follow closely the course of the moon . . . In the early times of our history the solution was found by the following practical procedure: The beginnings of the months were determined by direct observation of the new moon. . . .
This method of observation and intercalation was in use throughout the period of the second temple (516 B.C.E. – 70 C.E.), and about three centuries after its destruction, as long as there was an independent Sanhedrin. In the fourth century, however, when oppression and persecution threatened the continued existence of the Sanhedrin, the patriarch Hillel II took an extraordinary step to preserve the unity of Israel . . . he made public the system of calendar calculation which up to then had been a closely guarded secret. It had been used in the past only to check the observations and testimonies of witnesses, and to determine the beginnings of the spring season.
In accordance with this system, Hillel II formally sanctified all months in advance, and intercalated all future leap years until such time as a new, recognized Sanhedrin would be established in Israel. This is the permanent calendar according to which the New Moons and Festivals are calculated and celebrated today by the Jews all over the world. Like the former system of observation, it is based on the Luni-Solar principle. Arthur Spier, The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar
The Seven Day Circle; Eviator Zerubavel
The Jewish and and astrological weeks evolved quite independently of one another. However, given the coincidence of their identical length, it was only a matter of time before some permanent correspondence between particular Jewish days and particular planetary days would be made. a permanent correspondence between the sabbath and "The Day Of Saturn" was thus established...[some time] later than the first century of the present era, Jews even came to name the planet saturn shabtai, after the original hebrew name of the sabbath, shabbath. Moreover, as they came into closer contact with Hellenism, their conception of their holy day was evidently affected by the astrological conception of saturn as a planet that has an overwhelming negative influence (a conception which, incidentally, is still evident even from the association of the English word "saturnine" with a gloomy disposition). There are traditional Jewish superstitious beliefs about demons and evil spirits that hold full sway on the Sabbath, and an old Jewish legend even links the choice of "the day of Saturn" as the official Jewish rest day with the superstition that it would be an inauspicious day for doing any work anyway! (The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week, Eviator Zerubavel, New York: The Free Press, 1985. P. 17).
On page 11 Zerubavel makes some interesting comments about the Jewish divorcement of YEHOVAH's true Sabbath day from the lunar phases --...the dissociation of the week from a natural cycle such as the waxing and waning of the moon can be seen as part of a general movement toward introducing a supranatural deity. Not being personified as any particular natural force, the Jewish god was to be regarded as untouched by nature in any way. Accordingly, the day dedicated to this god was to be regarded as part of a divine temporal pattern that transcends even nature itself. That obviously involved dissociating the week from nature and its rhythms. Only by being based on an entirely artificial mathematical rhythm could the Sabbath observance become totally independent of the lunar or any other natural cycle.
Zerubavel goes on to say that
A continuous seven-day cycle that runs throughout history paying no attention whatsoever to the moon and its phases is a distinctly Jewish invention. Moreover, the dissociation of the seven-day week from nature has been one of the most significant contributions of Judaism to civilization. Like the invention of the mechanical clock some 1,500 years later, it facilitates the establishment of what Lewis Mumford identified as "mechanical periodicity," thus essentially increasing the distance between human beings and nature. Quasi [lunar] weeks and [continuous] weeks actually represent two fundamentally distinct modes of temporal organization of human life, the former involving partial adaptation to nature, and the latter stressing total emancipation from it. The invention of the continuous week was therefore one of the most significant breakthroughs in human beings' attempts to break away from being prisoners of nature [and from under God's law] and create a social world of their own (The Seven Day Circle, p. 11).
The Dead Sea Scrolls
When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, archaeologists found several manuscripts which dated, approximately, from the 1st century B.C. What made these particular documents so unusual, however, is that they were for the express purpose of synchronizing the lunar calendar to a longer solar calendar. Archeologists found that two of these scrolls (4Q320 and 4Q321) recorded the beginnings of the solar months and the festivals. A third manuscript, 4Q321a, might also have given this information, but because part of the text had disintegrated over time, it is impossible to know for sure.
The following quotes show how luni-solar dates correspond to dates on the solar calendar. It is important to note that at this time, the Jews were under the dominion of the Romans and the solar year to which they were comparing the luni- solar dates was likely the Julian calendar or its immediate predecessor.
The following quotations are taken from The Dead Sea Scrolls, translated by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., and Edward Cook:
4Q320 Mishmerot A (fragment 1, column 1): Line 6: [On the fifth day of Jeda]iah is the twenty-ninth day (of the lunar month), on the thirtieth day of the (first solar) month. Line 12: [On the Sabbath of the course of Seori]m is the twenty-ninth day (of the lunar month), on the twenty-fifth day of the seventh (solar month).
4Q321 Mishmerot Ba (fragment 1, column 1): Lines 4 and 5: . . . and the first crescent [of the moon] is on the sabbath of the course of Pethahiah, on the ninth of the [solar] month.
4Q321a Mishmerot Bb: This fragment regulates the lunar calendar to the solar for the first year, months two through five.
Line 4: [(The full moon is on the) Sabbath of the course of Koz, on the thirtieth day of the second (solar) month, and the first crescent is on the first day of Malchijah, on the seventeenth] of the month.
Line 5: [(The full moon is) on the first day of Eliashib, on the twenty-ninth day of the third (solar) month, and the first crescent] is on the second day of Jeshua, on the [sixteenth] of the month.
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
"...each lunar month was divided into four parts corresponding to the four phases of the moon. The first week of each month began with the new moon, so that, as the lunar month was one or two days more than four periods of seven days, the additional days were not reckoned at all." The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol 10. p482 Article "week"
"The idea of the week, as a subdivision of the month [was found]...in Babylonia, where each lunar month was divided into four parts, corresponding To The Four Phases Of The Moon. The first week of each month began With The New Moon, so that, as the lunar month was one or two days more than four periods of seven days, these additional days were not reckoned at all. Every seventh day (sabbatum) was regarded as an unlucky day. This method of reckoning time spread westward through Syria and Palestine, and was adopted By The Israelites, probably after they settled in Palestine" (The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia vol. 10, p. 482. Article "Week.").
"In the Diaspora the New Moon came to occupy a secondary position in contrast to the Sabbath; the prohibition against work and the carrying on of commerce was lifted, and the New Moon, although still celebrated by means of increased offerings, soon was reduced to the rank of a minor of half holiday. Its importance was confined to the fact that it remained of great value and necessity for the fixing of the festivals." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "New Moon," Vol. 8, p. 171.
Revised July 10 2011
Friday, February 19, 2010
Exodus 16: The Rosetta Stone for the Biblical LuniSolar Calendar & Sabbath
Buried within God's Holy Scriptures is evidence of an ancient timekeeping system or calendar. This calendar, has it's basic framework embedded in Exodus 16, and appears to be the "calendar of creation." The reason this calendar should be considered the "calendar of creation" is because God would not deliberately give Moses a different timekeeping system other than the one of creation.
God began giving Moses this ancient calendar in the 1st month of the bibical year, in Exodus 12 just prior to the Exodus. God said; This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Ex 12:2. God even told Moses that the beginning of the months would be signaled by the moon. The word for month is "chodesh" and means "new moon." "This new moon is the beginning of new moons for you." The beginning of the Biblical year is in the spring of the solar year, at the 1st new moon that occurs when the Barley in Israel is ripening so as to be ready for the wave sheaf on the 16th day of the month following Passover. This 1st new moon also follows the vernal equinox.
God began giving Moses this ancient calendar in the 1st month of the bibical year, in Exodus 12 just prior to the Exodus. God said; This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Ex 12:2. God even told Moses that the beginning of the months would be signaled by the moon. The word for month is "chodesh" and means "new moon." "This new moon is the beginning of new moons for you." The beginning of the Biblical year is in the spring of the solar year, at the 1st new moon that occurs when the Barley in Israel is ripening so as to be ready for the wave sheaf on the 16th day of the month following Passover. This 1st new moon also follows the vernal equinox.
Are You Prepared to Defend Your Beliefs
Are You Prepared to Defend What You Know?
The Two Calendar Problem of the Last Days
The Two Calendar Problem of the Last Days
Caution: Do not believe any of what you read here. You must study this for yourself.
An Appeal and message for Seventh Day Adventists
In the last few years, new information has surfaced that may be of importance to Seventh-Day Adventists, especially for the end time. It will also become important for all true SabbathKeepers in the end. The information appears to have had the hand of God covering it for at least two thousand years. It is now being studied around the world with renewed vigor in some Adventist circles, as well as other 7th day Sabbathkeepers. This information may have surfaced briefly during the Millerite period, and during the early years of the SDA church. It was studied by a SDA Research Committee in 1938-1939, but the information was never released to the Adventist public at the time for fear of the impact and the consequences. It has been buried until recently.
The issue focuses on the calendar that was used to determine October 22, 1844, the cornerstone of the 2300 day prophecy and the Adventist movement. To fix the correct date for the Day of Atonement in 1844, the Millerites discovered they had to use the calendar that was in use when the information was given originally. The calendar they found appears to go as far back as creation and certainly to the time of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. That calendar is outlined in scripture and is different from the calendar we use today, which is the Roman calendar enacted by Pope Gregory, known as the Gregorian calendar.
The calendar the Millerites found they had to use is the one that God set up for the “feasts” or “appointed times.” It is often referred to as a “lunisolar” calendar, being neither all lunar, nor all solar. The biblical year began around the time of the vernal equinox in the spring (Ex 12:2), and each month began immediately following the dark or new moon, beginning with the sighting of the visible crescent moon.
To be consistent with Adventism's spiritual forefathers, do Seventh-day Adventists of today need to compute when the true Sabbath occurs by using the same calendar utilized for determining the Day of Atonement in 1844? This must be decided before the onset of the time of trouble.
The real reason for October 22, 1844 was hidden by the hand of God for a time and only revealed to those in earnest prayer and study. Could this be the case with the issue of the calendar?
What caused the SDA church to put this issue in the hands of a Research Committee to study? It was an effort by the League of Nations to impose a World Calendar during the 1920's to 1940's, or at least by the early 1950’s. The push to implement a World Calendar has never died. Once again, there is a move to implement this World Calendar, this time on January 1, 2012. (See www.worldcalendar.org) In the first year of implementation, there appears to be no problem. But in the proposed layout of the calendar, there is a “blank” day at the end of the year, which if the calendar is implemented, will begin to displace Saturday as the 7th day Sabbath. The first year, the last numbered day of the year is Saturday. The blank day following the last Saturday is suggested to be another Sabbath. (two Sabbaths) The Jewish community apparently has no problem with this. Because of the blank day, in the second year, Saturday moves one day from its original spot. It then is no longer in the position of the 7th day of the week where it was in the first year (2012).
But this is not the real problem with the issue. There may be much more at stake here than first appears, and that will become clearer as one studies the calendar issue. Here is one way to look at the crux of the problem. We currently use the Papal Gregorian Calendar to pinpoint the 7th day Sabbath on Saturday. If one uses the calendar outlined in scripture to pinpoint the feasts or appointed times, then uses the Roman calendar to pinpoint the Sabbath, it creates a bind between two calendar systems. Many scholars attempt to use and interweave these two calendar systems, but all it does is create confusion. When you study the calendar of scripture, you begin to see this dilemma.
During the flood described in Genesis, we find evidence of the same biblical calendar used for pinpointing the feasts. If this calendar was in play to track time during the flood, is it also possible that Noah was keeping the Sabbath by the same calendar? If not, which calendar was he using? By the way, Noah looked pretty foolish retreating to the ark and securing himself away during the 7 days prior to the rain and the flood. Foolish as he may have appeared, he had the truth for that time.
When the Israelites left Egypt after 400+ years, God had to reestablish their calendar. They had lost the calendar as well as the Sabbath during their enslavement. The calendar God reinstituted with them was most certainly the same calendar of creation. We know from the writings of Ellen White that Adam, Abraham and Noah, etc kept the Sabbath of creation. The question is what calendar was this and how did it work. Simply, it was determined by the celestial bodies; the sun, moon, and stars. (See Genesis 1) At the time of the Exodus, approximately 1446 BC, there was no Roman calendar, and there was no seven day week as we know it today. So one has to ask the question; if the 7th day Sabbath was on a different calendar system than the feasts, what was that calendar system, and how was the 7th day Sabbath kept track of.
The calendar of Rome began to come into view about 700 years after the Israelites left Egypt. Some records say 753 BC; some say 738 BC. In any case, it was the mid-700’s BC. If you do even a brief study of the Roman calendar system you will find that even the first Roman calendar was lunar in nature. It was similar to the calendar the Israelites were following and was determined by the moon and the sun.
The calendar around 60 BC just prior to the Julian reform was 304 days in length and had only 10 months, which began in what is now the month of March. The Roman calendar at this time had 8 days, did not cycle through a 7 day week, and certainly the 7th day was not a 7th day Sabbath.
The Roman Julian calendar was implemented in 46 or 45 BC. This was the first move of the Roman calendar away from being lunar-based. That was the recommendation of Sosigenes, the creator of the Julian calendar, to eliminate the lunar based calendar. Tensions were heating up between the Romans and the Jews, and calculation of the Jewish calendar was outlawed. Keep in mind there is still no 7 day week at this point (as we know it today). So where was the 7th day Sabbath pinpointed?
The Roman Stick Calendar found at the Baths of Titus (constructed A.D. 79 – 81) provides further proof that neither the Biblical Sabbath nor the day of Christ's resurrection can ever be found using the Julian calendar. The center circle contains the 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to the 12 months of the year. The Roman numerals in the left and right columns indicate the days of the month. Across the top of the stick calendar appear the seven planetary gods of the pagan Romans. Saturday, (or dies Saturni -- the day of Saturn) was the very first day of the week, not the seventh.
Jesus chastised the Jewish leaders on many things during his ministry, mostly having to do with interpretation of the law. What He didn't chastise them about may be just as important. He did not chastise them about keeping the wrong Sabbath, which He most certainly would have done. So what calendar were they using to pinpoint the 7th day Sabbath? Which Sabbath were they observing? History shows there was no 7 day week with a Saturday 7th day Sabbath established on the Roman calendar yet.
The seven day week was not fully put into place until 321 AD when it was made law by Constantine. Here's the dilemma. Did the 7th day Sabbath "magically" align with the Roman calendar at this time? How was that so? Where is the record? If it didn't show up on the Roman calendar at this time, when can it be pinpointed on the Roman calendar? With something as important and significant as the 7th day Sabbath, there simply has to be a record. Ellen White most certainly would have written about something of this magnitude. Maybe this explains why the Sabbath becomes of less importance to Adventists in the end because they haven't thoroughly studied the doctrine and know not where they stand. It becomes easier to make it of none effect.
If you study the history of the Roman calendar, you will readily see that it is highly improbable, more likely impossible, that there was any way the original 7th day Sabbath could have wound up on the Roman calendar. It would not have been in harmony with the Bible.
Now let us look at current day issues. Over the last few years, there has been renewed interest in God’s appointed times, otherwise known as the “feasts” There is much controversy today as to whether we should still be keeping the feasts or not. First, scripture says that they are to be ordinances “forever.” You decide what forever means. Secondly, there is evidence in the writings of Ellen White that it is only the sacrifices and oblations that were done away with, and not the entire feast-keeping system.
If the feasts are still applicable, then it means that the original calendar of scripture is probably still applicable; certainly for the feasts. This is the calendar that is set by the moon, sun and stars. And this is the point at which the larger question is raised. Is the 7th day Sabbath supposed to be pinpointed on the same calendar? Or is it supposed to be pinpointed as we have done it for 1800 years, on a corrupt calendar devised by a Jesuit, and manipulated, and implemented by pagan pontiffs, and papal prelates of the Church of Rome? This is the question and dilemma we are faced with today, as the possible implementation of the World Calendar draws closer.
There are essentially 4 methods of calendar reckoning that we are left to grapple with. This can be narrowed to 3, as one of them leads to another. Let’s take a look at them.
The Jewish calendar is the most likely calendar to be reckoned with today, if one is attempting to follow scripture. But is it accurate? The Jews were supposed to present the Messiah; one only needs look at history to see how that turned out. They have added to the laws that the Messiah laid down for them to the point that Jesus himself scolded them for what they were doing; literally they have made a mess of the laws. They have tinkered with the calendar, changed regulations, changed calculations, added postponements, etc, till no one knows for certain exactly which day is which. And they have done all this supposedly based on the original calendar of scripture given to the Jews at the Exodus. Some today think that the Jews have kept the count of the sabbath from the time of creation. The question is; where is that record? Eventually the Jews transitioned from the calendar given at the Exodus to the one that they use today; pinpointing the 7th day Sabbath on the Papal Gregorian calendar. We should seriously ask; can they be trusted?
The next calendar to arrive on the scene that we would recognize today is the Julian calendar. This calendar was given to us by “pagan” Rome. What kind of influence would one expect on a calendar of “pagan” origins. A little study of the Roman calendar systems will be a real eye opener if you want to venture there.
Following the “pagan” Julian calendar, we move to the “Papal” Gregorian calendar (Paganism did not magically disappear from the scene; it simply moved into the Roman church). Eventually we will find that the Roman church is “become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." EW278. This is the calendar that we are told to trust that the 7th day Sabbath is on Saturday and has been counted from creation and never lost track of. Satan has effectively worked through The Church of Rome and the Papacy which embodies every element of deception and corruption to overturn every law and doctrine God has given to us. Should we consider that he has done the same thing with the calendar? You decide.
The only significant calendar system left to reckon with is the calendar of creation, given by God to Moses at the Exodus to pinpoint the appointed times or “feasts.” Call it the “feast” calendar, call it the “lunisolar” calendar, call it “the sacred” calendar; or the “creation” calendar if you choose. But ask the question; Did God intend for the 7th day Sabbath to be pinpointed on the same calendar? Lets look a little further. Consider the account of the manna in Exodus 16.
Exodus 16 is the “Rosetta Stone” or the key to examining the true Biblical calendar. The Israelites arrived in the “wilderness of sin” on the 15th day of the second month, after they left Egypt. Make note of that; the 15th day of the month. That evening, the beginning of the 16th, God sent them “flesh” in the form of quail that they “murmured” for. He told them that in the morning (the day of the 16th) they would find the manna. He went on to tell them that they would find the manna every day for 6 days. On the 6th day, he instructed them to gather a double portion. After the 6 days of manna, God further instructed them that the next day after the 6th day was the 7th day Sabbath. (This is none other than the same Sabbath day of creation). From the data given, we can extrapolate that the first 7th day Sabbath mentioned, 7 days from the 15th, would be the 22nd. From this we can determine that the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and the 29th days of this month mentioned would be 7th day Sabbaths. This scenario outlining the 15th day of the month as a reference point occurs three times in the first three months of the Exodus.
The Biblical calendar is the only one left that man and satan can’t change or corrupt because it is regulated by nature. Satan can’t alter the calendar given directly by God. But he can confuse and obscure the issue. And he is working hard to do that because his time is short.
Now for those of you that still contend that all this calendar stuff applies to the “feasts” and not to the Sabbath, look again. This scenario with the manna in the wilderness has no mention of feasts. There is no feast on God’s calendar in the 2nd month. But it does mention the 7th day Sabbath. This has to be the same Sabbath of creation. God would not give them a 7th day Sabbath that was different from creation. Now we come to the heart of the matter and the real question; which calendar is this on? If you work this out for yourselves, you will find that you cannot find a 7th day Sabbath following the 15th of the month that falls on the Gregorian calendar Saturday, three months in a row. It may come out to one, possibly two in any given scenario, but it is impossible for it to occur 3 months in a row. Now we have come to the heart of the dilemma; the calendar of God’s Bible, and the Papal Gregorian cannot be harmonized.
Here’s a hypothetical situation for you to think about in regard to the calendar issue.
Suppose you awake to find yourself in the middle of a wilderness. You see nothing but desolation or wilderness in any direction as far as the eye can see. You have lost all track of time, including days of the week, or the month or year for that matter. You have no idea when Sabbath is, but you want to return to keeping it to honor God. You have no technology; no cell phone, no computer, no timepiece, no calendar, nothing. The only thing you have is a Bible. Using the Bible, reestablish where you are in time, and begin keeping the Sabbath again. Using God’s word and the instruction given, you can reestablish the appointed times and keep the feasts. But what about the 7th day Sabbath? This is the dilemma we are faced with when using two models of reckoning, or two systems of calendation.
The reason this issue is so important is that it is at the heart of the Three Angels Message and work of the Fourth Angel right down at the end of this earth’s history. The Sabbath is the focal point of worship and the Creator. What if we are not observing the correct 7th day Sabbath of Creation? God help us.
I have been shown that many who profess to have knowledge of present truth know not what they believe. They do not understand the evidences of their faith. They have no just appreciation of the work for the present time. When the time of trial shall come, there are men now preaching to others who will find, upon examining the positions they hold, that there are many things for which they can give no satisfactory reason. Until thus tested they know not their great ignorance. And there are many in the church who take it for granted that they understand what they believe; but, until controversy arises, they do not know their own weakness. When separated from those of like faith and compelled to stand singly and alone to explain their belief, they will be surprised to see how confused are their ideas of what they had accepted as truth . . . . Maranatha 45
In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored. The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was changed by man, is to be repaired. PK 678
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How God's Biblical Lunar Month Works
*Each month begins following the conjunction or visible crescent.
*The next day is the new moon day, the 1st day of the month.
*After new moon day begins the count of 6 working days.
*Sabbaths coincide with the 1/4 phases of the moon.
*Biblical 7th day Sabbaths are always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month *Following the 29th day is new moon day and the month begins again.
In the time of the end, every divine institution is to be restored. The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was changed by man, is to be repaired. PK 678
Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
"God, through the Holy Spirit, is preparing to restore His church to the biblical principles found in the Judaic contours of its formative years. The way it will happen is not by an "outpouring" of the Holy Spirit alone but through a Word of God revival. Here is the promise of God: "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distill as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: (Deut 32:2). The latter rain will be a rain of truth. If the Church needs anything today, it needs the following: ". . . the washing of water by the word." (Eph 5:25-26) http://www.awarenessministry.org/whyknow.htm
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